Over half the states have now have implemented Constitutional Carry...
...ability to carry a concealed firearm without a permit
...largely because of Arizona! ... But WHY?
Many years ago, I came across a video about a chubby guy in a speedo at the beach...
playing his boom box...
and dancing by himself...
... and then...
He got the whole beach dancing!
... you can watch the video here:
There's a leadership principle that Derek Sivers refers to as the "spark to a lone nut."
I mention this in my book, Mastering Your Fate.
A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous, doing something that nobody else is doing. They have to be doing something that is simple and easy to follow.
The first follower has the crucial role to show people how to follow.
This first follower is the "spark" that transforms the lone nut into a bonefide leader.
But for a movement to occur, you have to have validation with the second follower.
That's why the first two followers are critical.
For many decades, the only state to allow "constitutional carry" of a handgun was Vermont, which has never been able to have a restriction on the method of how one could carry a firearm.
Then comes along the first follower, Alaska, which started constitutional carry in 2003.
In 2010, Arizona got a lot public srutiny for doing constitutional carry...
...in fact, opponents to Arizona's constitutional carry said that "blood would flow in the streets."
...because the masses know that "the second follower creates momentum," and they did everything they could to stop it.
Today we have 27 states that have constitutional carry...
OVER HALF of the United States!
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